Report – E. Marat, Security Sector Reform in Central Asia, 2012

SSR Central Asia

E. Marat, Security Sector Reform in Central Asia, DCAF 2012

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 This report intends to show the latest developments in security sector reform (SSR) legislation in four Central Asian states. Kazakhstan’s open sources offer the most comprehensive overview of the latest legislation adopted between 2005 and 2011. Kyrgyzstan’s resources are accessible as well, but following the violent regime change in April and the ethnic violence in June 2010, the Parliament and government have started revising many of the laws related to the Interior Ministry and Judicial sector. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have only few pieces of legislation available to the public. The report does not analyse whether changes in the law translated into more democratic and more open control over the military.

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Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (January 2, 2013). Report – E. Marat, Security Sector Reform in Central Asia, 2012. Post-Soviet Armies Newsletter. Retrieved September 17, 2024 from