Selection of articles:
Faking performance together: systems of performance evaluation in Russian enforcement agencies and production of bias and privilege
Ella Paneyakh
pages 115-136
Means of production versus means of coercion: can Russian business limit the violence of a predatory state?
Andrei Yakovlev, Anton Sobolev & Anton Kazun
pages 171-194
Local-level law enforcement: Muscovites and their uchastkovyy
Lauren A. McCarthy
pages 195-225
Police reform in Russia: the policy process in a hybrid regime
Brian D. Taylor
pages 226-255
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (December 7, 2014). Journal Articles – Post-Soviet Affairs Volume 30, Issue 2-3, 2014 : Law enforcement, Violence, Police reform. Post-Soviet Armies Newsletter. Retrieved January 16, 2025 from