Bibliography – Veterans & Post-War Situation

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A SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY compiled by E. Sieca-Kozlowski

Last update: November 4, 2010


  • Mark Galeotti, Afghanistan: The Soviet Union’s Last War, New York: Cass, 2001.

Chechen Syndrome

  • Anne Le Huérou, Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski, « Un ‘syndrome tchétchène’? Les Vétérans russes de la guerre de Tchétchénie, acteurs et vecteurs d’une transposition de la violence de guerre », In L’adieu aux armes ? Parcours d’anciens combattants, Nathalie Duclos (dir), Paris: Collection Recherches Internationales, Karthala, 2010, pp. 41-81.
  • Stanislav Markelov, The Chechnya Syndrome and the Blagovechensk Case. 4 Apr. 2007. Web. Retrieved 30 June 2009,

“Deprofessionalization” of Police Veterans

  • Tanya Lokshina, “The social and  political role of war veterans”, Interview of Tanya Lokshina, President of the Demos center, conducted by Olga Filippova, Moscow, 11 May 2007, The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, n°6-7, 2007,

Disabled Veterans

Imperial Russia

  • John L. H. Keep, “Catherine’s Veterans”, The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 59, n° 3, July 1981, pp. 385-396.


  • Beate Fieseler, 2005. “Nishchie pobediteli:” Invalidy Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny v Sovetskom Soiuze [The Suffering of the Victors: Invalids of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union], Neprikosnovennij zapas, n° 40-41(2-3). Retrieved november 3, 2008,
  • Beate Fieseler, «”La protection sociale totale”. Les hospices pour grands mutilés de guerre dans l’Union soviétique des années 1940 », Cahiers du monde russe, n° 2-3, Vol 49, 2008, pp. 419-440.
  • Beate Fieseler, “The Bitter Legacy of the “Great Patriotic War:” Red Army under Late Stalinism”, In Late Stalinist Russia: Society between Reconstruction and Reinvention, ed. Juliane Furst, pp. 46-61, London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
  • Beate Fieseler, « Arme Sieger Die Invaliden des Großen Vaterländischen Krieges » , Osteuropa, vol. 55, n° 4–6, april-June 2005, pp. 207-218.

Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

  • Natalia Danilova, “Geroi v bor’be za svoi prava: dvizhenie invalidov voin v Sovetskom Souze i Rossii”, [Heroes Fight for Their Rights: Social Movement of Disabled Veterans in Soviet Union and in Russia], in  Romanov P., Yarskaia-Smirnova E. (ed.). Obshchestvennye dvizhenia v Rossii: tochki rosta, kamni pretknovenia. M.: OOO “Variant”, 2009, pp. 59-82.
  • Natalia Danilova, “Situatsiya ogranicheniya prav cheloveka: problemy izmereniya (na primere veteranov-invalidov)” [Violation of Human Rights: the Problem of Measurement on the example of Disabled Veterans], In: “Protection of Human Rights in the Modern World”, Conference Papers. St. Petersburg: Petropolis. P. 2001, pp. 25-37.
  • Natalia Danilova, “Transformatsiya muzhestvennosti v proektivnoi i real’noi kar’ere invalida voiny” [Masculinities’ Changes in Prospective and Actual Careers of Disabled Veterans], Gendernie issledovania, n° 6, 2001, pp. 259-270.

Laws on Veterans 

  • Federal Law of Russian Federation “On Veterans” on January 12, 1995.
  • Phillip H. Fluri and Stepan Sulakshin, Russian Federation Legal Acts on Civil–Military Relations: Commentaries, Geneva: DCAF, 2004.


Imperial Russia

  • Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter, “Social Misfits: Veterans and Soldiers’ Families in Servile Russia”, The Journal of Military History, vol. 59, n° 2, April 1995, pp. 215-235.

Post-Soviet Russia

  • Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski, “Russian military patriotic education: a control tool against the arbitrariness of veterans”, Nationalities Papers, vol. 38, n° 1, January 2010, pp. 73 – 85.

Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrom


  • Catherine Merridale, “The Collective Mind: Trauma and Shell-Shock in Twentieth-Century Russia”, Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 35, n° 1, Special Issue: Shell-Shock, Jan., 2000, pp. 39-55.

WWII + Afghanistan

Vietnam + Afghanistan

  • Natalia Danilova, “Konstruirovanie voennogo sindroma: sravnitel’nyi analis “v’etnamskogo” i “afganskogo” sindromov” [The Social Construction of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Comparative Analysis of Vietnam and Soviet Afghan war], in Peace and War: Cultural Contexts of Social Aggression, M.: IVI RAN. 2005, pp. 231-248.

Psychology of War

  • Elena Seniavskaia, Chelovek na voine. Istoriko-psikhologicheskie ocherki, Moskva, IRI RAN, 1997.

Social Adaptation of Veterans


  • Robert Dale, « Rats and Resentment ; the Demobilization of the Red Army in Post-War Leningrad, 1945-1950 », Journal of Contemporary History n° 45, 2010, pp.113-133.

Afghanistan & Chechnya

  • Igor’ Obraztsov and Sergei Solov’ev, “Sotsial’nye problemy byvshikh kadrovikh voennosluzhashchikh,” Sotsiologicheskie issledovania, n° 4, 1998, pp. 70-79.

Social Status of Veterans


  • Mark Edele, Soviet Veterans of World War II: A Popular Movement in an Anthoritarian Society, 1941-1991, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008
  • Mark Edele, “Soviet Veterans as an Entitlement Group, 1945-1955”,  Slavic Review, vol. 65, n° 1, 2006, pp. 111-137.

Soviet Union

  • Sarah D. Phillips,  “There Are No Invalids in the USSR!”: A Missing Soviet Chapter in the New Disability History”, Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 29, n° 3, 2009,

Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia

  • Natalia Danilova, “Voennosluzhashchie, voiny-internatsionalisty, veterany: dinamika pravovogo statusa, 1980-2000” [Ex-Service personnel, Soldier-internationalists, Veterans: Dynamic of the Legislative Status, 1980-2000], Sociologicheskie issledovania, n°10. pp.77-85, 2001.

Veterans’ Social Policy


  • Pavel Petrovich Shcherbinin, « Osobenosti sotsial’noi zashchity veteranov voennoi sluzhby v Rossiiskoi imperii v XVIII- nachale XX v. » [The Peculiarities of Social Welfare for Military Service Veterans in the Russian Empire, XVIIIth through early XXth Centuries], The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, n° 6-7, 2007,

Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

  • Problemy social’noi reabilitatsii uchastnikov voiny v Afganistane (1979–1989), Moscow: Institut Sotsiologii RAN, 1993.
  • Natalia Danilova, “Veterans’ Policy in Russia: a Puzzle of Creation”, The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, n° 6-7, 2007,
  • Natalia Danilova, “The Development of an Exclusive Veterans’ Policy: The Case of Russia”, Armed Forces and Society, October 29, vol. 20, n° 10, pp. 1- 27.




  • Greg A. Greenberg, Robert A. Rosenheck and Rani A. Desai, “Risk of Incarceration among Male Veterans and Nonveterans: Are Veterans of the All Volunteer Force at Greater Risk?”, Armed Forces & Society, vol. 33, n° 3, avril 2007, pp. 337-350.


Demobilization / First World War

  • Bruno Cabanes, « La démobilisation des soldats français », Cahiers de la Paix, n° 7, Presses de l’Université de Nancy, 2000, pp. 55-65.

Great Britain

  • Christopher Dandeker, Simon Wessely, Amy Iversen and John Ross, “What’s in a Name? Defining and Caring for “Veterans”: The United Kingdom in International Perspective”, Armed Forces & Society, January 2006, vol. 32, n° 2, pp. 161-177.


Disabled Veterans

  • David A. Gerber, “ Heroes and Misfits: The Troubled Social Reintegration of Disabled Veterans”, in “The Best Years of Our Lives”, American Quarterly, vol. 46, n° 4, December 1994, pp. 545-574.
  • David A. Gerber, “Disabled veterans, the State and the experience of disibility in western societies, 1914-1950”, Journal of Social History, vol. 36, n° 4, Summer 2003, pp. 899-916.

Social Disadaptation

  • Gail Gamache, Robert Rosenheck, and Richard Tessler, “The Proportion of Veterans among Homeless Men: A Decade Later,” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, vol. 36, n° 10, 2001, pp. 481–85
  • Holly Prigerson, Paul Maciejewski, and Robert Rosenheck, “Combat Trauma: Trauma with the Highest Risk of Delayed Onset and Unresolved Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Unemployment and Abuse Among Men,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 198, n° 3, 2001, pp. 99–108
  • J. M. Stellman, S. D. Stellman, and J. F. Sommer, “Social and Behavioral Consequences of the Vietnam Experience among American Legionnaires,” Environmental Research, vol. 47, n° 2, 1988, pp. 129–49.


  • Adela Beckerman and Leonard Fontana, “Vietnam Veterans and the Criminal Justice System,” Criminal Justice and Behavior, vol. 16, n°4, 1989, pp. 412–28.
  • Christopher Mumola, Veterans in Prison or Jail, Bureau of Justice Statistics: Special Report, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, 2000
  • Donna M. Shaw, Cynthia M. Churchill, Russell Noyes, and Paul L. Loeffelhoz, “Criminal Behavior and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Vietnam Veterans,” Comprehensive Psychiatry, vol.  28, n° 5, 1987, pp. 403–11.

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Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (December 6, 2010). Bibliography – Veterans & Post-War Situation. Post-Soviet Armies Newsletter. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from