Edited by Nathalie Duclos
Series: Sciences Po Series in IR and PE
Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming June 2012
A ‘Chechen syndrome’? Russian Veterans of the Chechen War and the Transposition of War Violence to Society; A.Le Huérou & E.Sieca-Kozlowski
The Return of the Conscripts – a Vector for the Construction of a National Security Regime in Turkey?; S.Kaya
Reintegrating Civilian Life After Combat: Between Invisibility and Resistance. The Experience of the Ronderas in Peru; C.Boutron
Paramilitary Demobilisation and the Return of Violence in Colombia; S.Daviaud
A Veteran’s Challenge: From the Test of War to the American Dream; B.Richard
The Position of Former Combatants, French Authorities and Public Opinion vis à vis German Prisoners of War (1944-1949); F.Théofilakis
The ‘Recycled’ Militiaman: an Examination of the Post-war Reconversion of Four Former Members of a Serbian Armed Group; S.Tanner
Museveni’s Best Enemies: Dilemmas and Political Uses of the Reintegration of Former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Commanders in Northern Uganda; S.Perrot
From the Great War to Democracy: Former Combatants and the Sardinian Autonomy Movement; C.Roux
The Post-war Period in Chechnya: When Spoilers Jeopardise the Emerging Chechen State (1996-1999); A.Merlin
A ‘Warrior’ Generation? Political Violence and Subjectivation of Young Militamen in Ivory Coast; R.Banégas
The Return of the Conscripts – a Vector for the Construction of a National Security Regime in Turkey?; S.Kaya
Reintegrating Civilian Life After Combat: Between Invisibility and Resistance. The Experience of the Ronderas in Peru; C.Boutron
Paramilitary Demobilisation and the Return of Violence in Colombia; S.Daviaud
A Veteran’s Challenge: From the Test of War to the American Dream; B.Richard
The Position of Former Combatants, French Authorities and Public Opinion vis à vis German Prisoners of War (1944-1949); F.Théofilakis
The ‘Recycled’ Militiaman: an Examination of the Post-war Reconversion of Four Former Members of a Serbian Armed Group; S.Tanner
Museveni’s Best Enemies: Dilemmas and Political Uses of the Reintegration of Former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Commanders in Northern Uganda; S.Perrot
From the Great War to Democracy: Former Combatants and the Sardinian Autonomy Movement; C.Roux
The Post-war Period in Chechnya: When Spoilers Jeopardise the Emerging Chechen State (1996-1999); A.Merlin
A ‘Warrior’ Generation? Political Violence and Subjectivation of Young Militamen in Ivory Coast; R.Banégas
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (May 5, 2012). Book – Nathalie Duclos (Ed), War Veterans in Postwar Situations Chechnya, Serbia, Turkey, Peru, and Côte d’Ivoire, Forthcoming June 2012. Post-Soviet Armies Newsletter. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/t1po