Book – Nathalie Duclos (Ed), War Veterans in Postwar Situations Chechnya, Serbia, Turkey, Peru, and Côte d’Ivoire, Forthcoming June 2012

War Veterans in Postwar Situations, 
Chechnya, Serbia, Turkey, Peru, and Côte d’Ivoire
 Edited by Nathalie Duclos
 Series: Sciences Po Series in IR and PE
 Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming June 2012
 A ‘Chechen syndrome’? Russian Veterans of the Chechen War and the Transposition of War Violence to Society; A.Le Huérou & E.Sieca-Kozlowski 
The Return of the Conscripts – a Vector for the Construction of a National Security Regime in Turkey?; S.Kaya  
Reintegrating Civilian Life After Combat: Between Invisibility and Resistance. The Experience of the Ronderas in Peru; C.Boutron  
Paramilitary Demobilisation and the Return of Violence in Colombia; S.Daviaud  
A Veteran’s Challenge: From the Test of War to the American Dream; B.Richard  
The Position of Former Combatants, French Authorities and Public Opinion vis à vis German Prisoners of War (1944-1949); F.Théofilakis  
The ‘Recycled’ Militiaman: an Examination of the Post-war Reconversion of Four Former Members of a Serbian Armed Group; S.Tanner  
Museveni’s Best Enemies: Dilemmas and Political Uses of the Reintegration of Former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Commanders in Northern Uganda; S.Perrot  
From the Great War to Democracy: Former Combatants and the Sardinian Autonomy Movement; C.Roux  
The Post-war Period in Chechnya: When Spoilers Jeopardise the Emerging Chechen State (1996-1999); A.Merlin  
A ‘Warrior’ Generation? Political Violence and Subjectivation of Young Militamen in Ivory Coast; R.Banégas 

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Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (May 5, 2012). Book – Nathalie Duclos (Ed), War Veterans in Postwar Situations Chechnya, Serbia, Turkey, Peru, and Côte d’Ivoire, Forthcoming June 2012. Post-Soviet Armies Newsletter. Retrieved February 15, 2025 from