Russia’s Military Strategy and Doctrine is designed to educate Russia watchers, policymakers, military leaders, and the broader foreign policy community about the Russian Armed Forces and security apparatus across the full spectrum of geographic, doctrinal and domain areas. Each chapter addresses a different strategic-level issue related to the Russian military, ranging from “hybrid” warfare doctrine, to the role nuclear weapons play in its strategy, to cyber and electromagnetic warfare, to Moscow’s posture in the Arctic or the Black Sea, to the lessons its Armed Forces have learned from their ongoing operations in Syria and eastern Ukraine. And each section of the book is written by one of the world’s foremost experts on that theme of Russia’s military development. Continue reading
Category Archives: Military Doctrines, Laws, Decrees and Orders
Policy Memo – D. Gorenburg, “Russia’s Military Modernization Plans: 2018-2027”, November 2017
D. Gorenburg, Russia’s Military Modernization Plans: 2018-2027, Policy Memo 495, Publication date: November 2017
Report – R. Mc Dermott & T. Bukkvoll, “Russia in the Precision-Strike Regime – Military theory, Procurement and Operational Impact”, August 2017
Paper – K. Giles, “Assessing Russia’s reorganized and rearmed military”, 2017
Task Force White Paper – May 03, 2017
K. Giles, “Assessing Russia’s reorganized and rearmed military“,
Carnegie Continue reading