Public Verdict Foundation’s Book – Police Reform & Public Opinion

«Реформа милиции: оценки и ожидания граждан. Результаты социологических исследований и комментарии экспертов».

Вышла в свет книга Фонда «Общественный вердикт» «Реформа милиции: оценки и ожидания граждан». Continue reading

Book – Mark Galeotti, “The Politics of Security in Modern Russia”

Mark Galeotti, The Politics of Security in Modern Russia, Ashgate, 2010, 250 pages.

The Putin era saw a striking ‘securitization’ of politics, something that he has bequeathed to his chosen successor, Dmitry Medvedev. The omens from the early days of the Medvedev presidency have been mixed, marked both by less confrontational rhetoric towards the West and by war with Georgia and continued re-armament. Has the Medvedev generation learned the lessons not just from the Soviet era but also from the Yeltsin and Putin presidencies, or will security remain the foundation of Russian foreign and domestic policy? Continue reading

Book – David R. Shearer, “Policing Stalin’s Socialism: Repression and Social Order in the Soviet Union, 1924-1953”

David R. Shearer. Policing Stalin’s Socialism: Repression and Social Order in the Soviet Union, 1924-1953. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.

Publisher’s comments: Policing Stalin’s Socialism is one of the first books to emphasize the importance of social order repression by Stalin’s Soviet regime in contrast to the traditional emphasis of historians on political repression. Based on extensive examination of new archival materials, David Shearer finds that most repression during the Stalinist dictatorship of the 1930s was against marginal social groups such as petty criminals, deviant youth, sectarians, and the unemployed and unproductive. Continue reading

Book – Paul Hagenloh, “Stalin’s Police: Public Order and Mass Repression in the USSR, 1926-1941”

Paul Hagenloh, Stalin’s Police: Public Order and Mass Repression in the USSR, 1926-1941 ,Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2010.

Publisher’s comments: Stalin’s Police offers a new interpretation of the mass repressions associated with the Stalinist terror of the late 1930s. This pioneering study traces the development of professional policing from its pre-revolutionary origins through the late 1930s and early 1940s. Continue reading

Russian Politics and Law – May/June 2010 Issue on Russian Military Reform

Russian Politics and Law,  Volume 48 Number 3 / May-June 2010

Table of Contents: Dmitry Gorenburg: The Future of Russia’s Military: Editor’s Introduction p. 3 / Aleksandr Golts: The Secret Reform p. 6 / Leonid Fishman: Is It Possible to Reincorporate the Army into Society? p. 23 / Andrei A. Kokoshin: Notes on the Creation of an “Innovative Russian Army” p. 35 / Stanislav Kuvaldin: Armed Forces for a Modest Power p. 44 / Urgent Problems and the Logic of Military Reform: Round Table at Nezavisimoe voennoe obozrenie p. 53.