Da.mod.uk – James Bosbotinis, ” The Russian Federation Navy: An Assessment of its Strategic Setting, Doctrine and Prospects “, in pdf format, September 2010.
Da.mod.uk – James Bosbotinis, ” The Russian Federation Navy: An Assessment of its Strategic Setting, Doctrine and Prospects “, in pdf format, September 2010.
All the Tsar’s Men: Russia’s General Staff and the Fate of the Empire, 1898–1914
Written by John W. Steinberg, Copub.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Publisher’s comments: All the Tsar’s Men examines how institutional reforms designed to prepare the Imperial Russian Army for the modern battlefield failed to prevent devastating defeats in both the 1905 Russo-Japanese War and World War I. John W. Steinberg argues Continue reading
Andzhei Belovranin, “Chernaia Kniga”, Sankt-Peterburg, Norma, 2010. Available in pdf format in Russian at http://soldiersmothers.ru/medias/pdf/black_book.pdf.
Co-project of the Soldiers’ Mothers of St Petersburg and Novaia Gazeta in St Petersburg. Совместный проект СПб РОПО “Солдатские матери Санкт-Петербурга” и “Новой газеты в Санкт-Петербурге”. Continue reading
The Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies released a French version of the book “The Tanks of August” – “Les chars d’Août”
Les chars d’Août / M.S. Barabanov, A.V. Lavrov, V.A. Tselouïko, sous la direction de R. Poukhov, préface d’Yves Boyer. – Moscou, Centre d’Analyse des Stratégies et des Technologies, 2010. 144 p. Available in pdf format http://www.cast.ru/files/Ta_fr_cp_1_2.pdf
The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, http://www.pipss.revues.org, Issue 13 – Autumn 2011 – Contemporary Uses of the Second World War in Russia
The Second World War gave rise in the USSR to a myth whose beginnings already existed at the time, but which developed gradually, finally taking on institutionalized form after the 1960s (essentially in the sense of commemorative plaques, monuments and museums) in the context of the Cold War and the evolution of the system that followed on de-Stalinisation (N. Tumarkin). In Soviet sources, the “Great Patriotic War” then became a significant element of identification, the founding event of the new post-war world order. Continue reading
Elisabeth SIECA-KOZLOWSKI , “Un exemple de la gestion des minorités ethniques et religieuses dans l’armée russe : le cas des musulmans” [Regulating ethnic and religious minorities in the post-Soviet Russian army: The case of Muslims], Les Etudes du CERI, n°164, April 2010.
Abstract: The post-Soviet Russian armu, having decided to main the draft, must address issues associated with the existence of ethnic and religious minorities; specifically the growing numbers of Muslims and the proselytizing by the Orthodox Chuch. The Russian Othodox Church’s policy of blessing the troops is the source of growing discontent among the Muslim community. The two conflicts of Chechnya have further contributed to the difficulties faced by the army’s Muslim minority. Continue reading