Book – T. Hasegawa, Crime and Punishment in the Russian Revolution Mob Justice and Police in Petrograd, 2017

T. Hasegawa, Crime and Punishment in the Russian Revolution Mob Justice and Police in Petrograd, Harvard University Press, 2017

“Russians from all walks of life poured into the streets of the imperial capital after the February Revolution of 1917, joyously celebrating the end of Tsar Nicholas II’s monarchy. One year later, with Lenin’s Bolsheviks now in power, Petrograd’s deserted streets presented a very different scene. No celebrations marked the Revolution’s anniversary. Amid widespread civil strife and lawlessness, a fearful citizenry stayed out of sight. Continue reading

Book – Елена Сенявская, Александр Сенявский, Лекха Жукова, Человек и фронтовая повседневность в войнах России XX века. Очерки по военной антропологии, 2017

Елена Сенявская, Александр Сенявский, Лекха Жукова, Человек и фронтовая повседневность в войнах России XX века. Очерки по военной антропологии,  Институт российской истории РАН, Центр гуманитарных инициатив, Серия, Historia Russica, 2017.

Книга посвящена фронтовой повседневности отечественной армии в основных внешних войнах России и СССР в XX веке – Русско-японской, Первой мировой, Великой Отечественной, Афганской. В ней затрагиваются такие сюжеты, как психология боя и особенности военного быта, восприятие пространства и времени на войне, солдатские приметы и суеверия, фронтовая мораль и многие другие. Основанная на архивных документах и источниках личного происхождения – письмах, дневниках, воспоминаниях участников боевых действий, а также материалах глубокого интервью с ветеранами Афганистана, книга раскрывает “человеческий ракурс” новейшей военной истории. 
Это издание будет интересно не только специалистам – историкам, психологам, культурологам, но и самому широкому кругу читателей.

Book – A. Goltz, Military Reform and Militarism in Russia, 2019

A. Goltz, Military Reform and Militarism in Russia, The Jamestown Foundation, 2019

In Military Reform and Militarism in Russia, Aleksandr Golts takes a hard look at the evolution of the Russian military from the collapse of the Soviet Union to its present involvement in wars in eastern Ukraine and Syria. This book is a follow-on to his study of military reform, or more precisely its failure, under President Boris Yeltsin and during the first term of President Vladimir Putin. Golts focuses on the evolution of military reform inside Russia since 2005; additionally, he examines the new phenomenon of Russian militarism and its origins in a Russian system that is hostile to both civilian control as well as civil society. The work reaches an important milestone in new works on Russian security in the age of Putin by explaining why Russian society has supported the concept of militarism in Russia.

Book – G. E. Howard and M. Czekaj (Eds), Russia’s Military Strategy and Doctrine, 2019

Russia’s Military Strategy and Doctrine is designed to educate Russia watchers, policymakers, military leaders, and the broader foreign policy community about the Russian Armed Forces and security apparatus across the full spectrum of geographic, doctrinal and domain areas. Each chapter addresses a different strategic-level issue related to the Russian military, ranging from “hybrid” warfare doctrine, to the role nuclear weapons play in its strategy, to cyber and electromagnetic warfare, to Moscow’s posture in the Arctic or the Black Sea, to the lessons its Armed Forces have learned from their ongoing operations in Syria and eastern Ukraine. And each section of the book is written by one of the world’s foremost experts on that theme of Russia’s military development. Continue reading