Pipss.org – Call for contributors – Defining and Defending Borders in Post-Soviet Space

logo-pipssIssue Editors: Anna Colin Lebedev, Ioulia Shukan, Amandine Regamey, Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski


Borders remain today a crucial issue across the post-Soviet space in debate over both contemporary geopolitics and historical legacies, as Russia’s seizure of Crimea and the war in Ukraine’s East have shown. Continue reading

Journal Article – G. Slade, “Violence as Information During Prison Reform: Evidence from the Post-Soviet Region”, 2015

5.coverViolence as Information During Prison Reform: Evidence from the Post-Soviet Region
Gavin Slade
British Journal of Criminology 2015

Published in the British Journal of Criminology, 2015, final version available at


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PIPSS.ORG – Call for contributors – Issue 17 (Autumn 2015) – “Women in arms: from the Russian Empire to Post-Soviet States”

logo-pipssPIPSS.ORG – Call for contributors – Issue 17 (Autumn 2015) – “Women in arms: from the Russian Empire to Post-Soviet States”

Issue Editors: Amandine Regamey, Brandon Schechter, Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski

Pipss.org – Call for contributors – Issue 16: Military Journalism in Russia and the CIS

logo-pipssIssue 16 – Spring 2014 (Military Journalism in Russia and the CIS)

SIXTEENTH ISSUE  – “Military Journalism in Russia and the CIS ”

In the sociology of media, the question of military journalism occupies a special place as one carrying significant political and institutional-specific implications. This is particularly obvious in the case of the USSR, where censorship, ideological challenges related to conflicts, and inaccessibility of the army have hindered attempts to gain knowledge of the production process regarding news and information surrounding the military. Since the fall of the USSR, Russian media space has experienced an opening and a liberalization applicable to military journalism. The old Soviet army newspapers have continued to exist (Krasnaia Zvezda, for example) while civil titles dedicated to military topics have appeared (for instance, the military supplement Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie of the daily newspaper Nezavisimaia Gazeta). At the same time, new independent media have gravitated toward military topics, fed by specialized civil correspondents. Continue reading

Book – French version of “The Tanks of August”, R. Pukhov (Ed.)

The Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies released a French version of the book “The Tanks of August” – “Les chars d’Août”

Les chars d’Août / M.S. Barabanov, A.V. Lavrov, V.A. Tselouïko, sous la direction de R. Poukhov, préface d’Yves Boyer. – Moscou, Centre d’Analyse des Stratégies et des Technologies, 2010. 144 p. Available in pdf format http://www.cast.ru/files/Ta_fr_cp_1_2.pdf

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