Call for Papers – Chechnya: Rationales of Violence and War Experiences – Paris, 22-23 October 2012



CONFERENCE – CALL FOR PAPER – Chechnya: rationales of violence and war experiences

Paris, 22-23 October 2012

 Since 1994, the Chechen war has been qualified in diverse ways by actors and observers, and this profusion of qualifiers reveals a multitude of explanations for the causes, goals and consequences of the war. The aim of this conference will be first to sum up, renew and enrich existing research on the Chechen war, by rereading the history of Chechnya since the end of the Soviet period. Its aim will also be to put the phenomena of violence at work in Chechnya in a comparative perspective that takes into account the renewal of contemporary war studies as well as the historiography of 20th century wars. Continue reading

Call for Contributors – – “Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia & the CIS”

The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies – Issue 13, December 2011  /  Anne Le Huérou & Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (13th Issue Editors)Call for contributors: “Police Brutality and Police Reform in Russia and Post-Soviet Republics” Continue reading