Julie Wilhelmsen, Russia’s Securitization of Chechnya: How war became acceptable, Routledge, Forthcoming 2017
Tag Archives: media
Pipss.org – Call for contributors – Issue 16: Military Journalism in Russia and the CIS
Issue 16 – Spring 2014 (Military Journalism in Russia and the CIS)
SIXTEENTH ISSUE – “Military Journalism in Russia and the CIS ”
In the sociology of media, the question of military journalism occupies a special place as one carrying significant political and institutional-specific implications. This is particularly obvious in the case of the USSR, where censorship, ideological challenges related to conflicts, and inaccessibility of the army have hindered attempts to gain knowledge of the production process regarding news and information surrounding the military. Since the fall of the USSR, Russian media space has experienced an opening and a liberalization applicable to military journalism. The old Soviet army newspapers have continued to exist (Krasnaia Zvezda, for example) while civil titles dedicated to military topics have appeared (for instance, the military supplement Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie of the daily newspaper Nezavisimaia Gazeta). At the same time, new independent media have gravitated toward military topics, fed by specialized civil correspondents. Continue reading
Song / Video – Desantniki against Putin
see lyrics below (in Russian, English, French)
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TV Program – “Spetsial’noe zadanie”, Pervyi Kanal
A new Reality show produced by Pervyi Kanal and the Ministry of Defense (see presentation on the MO site). First reality show ever filmed by the Ministry of Defense. See article in Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie at http://www.ng.ru/editorial/2011-10-10/2_red.html